Kyle Haight’s paintings depict fanciful abstract vessels, floating in an utopian space on a sea of atmospheric colours. Each geometric composition of morphing shapes seems to be slowly advancing across a cloud-streaked, watery surface. Haight might characterize these as convoluted thought patterns emerging from
a softer, serene backdrop.
The artist takes inspiration from readings, new and old technologies, emerging artists, new music and old movies to propel his own creativity. He often references Nikola Tesla’s radical thoughts on the nature of energy in his work and dubbed one series of paintings “Teslalonian Ships”. Haight rigorously structures his own creative process through stages he calls: progression, diversity and refinement. In this way he is able to begin with raw, intuitive experimentation in colour and form, followed by a more conscious, reflective application of rhythm, contrast, detail, and learned techniques. Landscapes of mysterious connections emerge in these paintings and invite imaginative and playful interpretation on the part of the viewer. Haight studied illustration and design at Georgian College in Barrie and graduated with Honours in 2007. He currently works as an artist, freelance designer, muralist, and musician in Owen Sound and area.